30 June 2007
White water rafting
Guesss what my first time to go white water rafting was friday. It was a blast, anything is a blast when you get to hang out with your friends!!! We were going down a rapid and the raft went way down on my side before i had a chance to grap the rope and i fell out. I was kind of nervous and kept fighting the current, but after about 10 sec.s I decided there is no way to fight the current just enjoy it. So I had a blast floating along through the rapids while the people in the raft had to fight and paddle really had to get through them. lol
19 June 2007
summer school
I try not to talk a lot about school because i dont want to bore yall. But i took 3 summer classes eng 102(last english i have to have for my degree, besides lit), his 201 (us history), and math 112(pre calculus). I am planning to go to school for a machanical engineering degree. I have already had two exams in history one was today. One exam in math so far and english has not started yet, but is about to. Anyways I just thought i would update and say something, I hope i did not bother yall with all the gruesome details. I want to update more, but... I will tell yall something i am really good at. Im like so good at it, it just comes natural. Like im awesome at it. That is procrastinating, but i can discipline my self if it becomes neccesarry in the plan of life to achive a goal and accomplish a purpose that i have devoted my will to reach and set all hope on getting there. (sp. colud a bad sepller eevr beocme an engnieer?, I hpoe!!!!!!)
01 June 2007
Gone caving, look at what u missed if u want pics u got um
notice the boys arm in this pic and the next: down by the bottom mid of pic
we have entered the cave all these pics from here down are cave even if they look bright it is the canon flash it is pitch black with out lights dont forget.
notice the holes in the side of the wall
A real bubbling spring (natural spring)
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